ClaroWorks offers mechanical engineering design services to companies that need help or additional resources for short to medium term projects. We are a team of degree qualified mechanical engineers who specialize in projects where something is made. Our goal is to help you from early concept development through start of mass production. With our extensive in-house manufacturing capability, we can significantly simplify the process of making a few prototypes though short run production. This allows you to stay nimble and flexible as long as possible before engaging a more formal, larger contract manufacturer. If production runs are low, we may be able to handle all your production needs.

We also specialize in tooling projects, designing, and building the tooling you need to manufacture other products.


Note: While we are mechanically focused, we are also highly experienced in electronics integration, packaging, thermal management, etc.
We do not offer sophisticated electronics or software design, but can handle basic PCB design for power supplies, motion control, and other complimentary applications.

We offer three tiers of mechanical engineering design service options to best suit your needs.